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Incontinence Treatment for Improved Quality of Life

How Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Helps Incontinence

Urinary incontinence, a condition characterized by the involuntary loss of bladder control, can be stressful, impacting a person’s self-esteem. Pelvic floor physical therapy is an effective way to manage urinary incontinence. 

Urinary incontinence can occur for different reasons, such as weakened pelvic floor muscles due to pregnancy, childbirth, aging, or certain medical conditions. Stress, urge, and mixed incontinence are common types of urinary incontinence.


During pelvic floor physical therapy, a therapist assesses the strength, coordination, and function of the pelvic floor muscles. This assessment helps find the specific type of incontinence and is a guide for treatment planning.


Pelvic floor physical therapy helps with strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles for incontinence and reduces urinary leaking. Therapists use targeted exercises to enhance the muscle tone and support the bladder. 


Incontinence can be related to muscle imbalances or poor coordination in the pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor physical therapy addresses these issues through exercises and techniques to improve muscle coordination and pelvic stability.


For individuals with urge incontinence, pelvic floor physical therapy may include bladder retraining techniques. This involves gradually increasing the time between bathroom visits and learning strategies to decrease the urgency to urinate.


Lifestyle and behavioral factors can also contribute to incontinence. Pelvic floor physical therapists provide education and guidance on lifestyle modifications, such as dietary changes and fluid intake, to support bladder health.


In some cases, biofeedback and electrical stimulation may be used during pelvic floor physical therapy. Biofeedback helps individuals become more aware of their pelvic floor muscle contractions, while electrical stimulation can help in muscle retraining and strengthening.


For women experiencing incontinence related to pregnancy or menopause, pelvic floor physical therapy can play a crucial role in postpartum recovery and managing hormonal changes that affect bladder function.


Pelvic floor physical therapy offers an inclusive approach to managing urinary incontinence. Through targeted exercises, muscle retraining, and lifestyle modifications, people can experience improvements in bladder control. 


If you or someone you know is struggling with urinary incontinence, consider speaking with a pelvic floor physical therapist to develop a treatment plan that fits your needs.

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Yoga Teacher

“Dr. Soni is the PT you didn't know you needed. As a Crossfitter, I had proactively sought out a pelvic floor therapist in my 2nd trimester. What I didn't realize was that Dr. Soni is extremely knowledgeable about post c-section recovery, which is what I ended up needing. Dr. Soni has been someone who I can count on to answer my questions, give me reassurance, and help guide me through questions both during and after pregnancy. There has been a certain peace of mind that Dr. Soni has provided throughout my whole journey!”

— Jessie B

Leg Injury

“I'm so glad that I decided to go to see Dr. Soni. I have suffered with bladder, side, and bowel discomfort for years and she has helped me so much. The exercises, diet recommendations and relaxation techniques that she recommended worked great and I feel like myself again. I love her comfortable office atmosphere and focus on my specific issues. She is very knowledgeable and helped me to find relief in areas other than the pelvis that were contributing to my problem. She offers solutions that conventional doctors do not. This gave me a unique and better way of dealing with my pain. I was looking for more holistic healing rather than typical testing and medications and I found that with Dr. Soni. I highly recommend Pelvic Elements!”

— Kathy M

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