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How Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Helps Postpartum Women

The postpartum period is a time of joy and adjustment for new mothers. While the arrival of a newborn brings happiness, it is also the start of physical recovery. Pregnancy and childbirth can have a significant impact on a woman's body, especially the pelvic floor muscles. 


Pelvic floor physical therapy is very important during the postpartum period, helping women regain strength, addressing pelvic health concerns, and allowing an easier transition into motherhood. 


This period can be emotionally challenging for many women. Pelvic floor physical therapists offer a supportive environment where women can discuss their concerns and receive guidance on emotional well-being during this phase.


Pregnancy and childbirth can lead to stretching and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, causing issues such as incontinence, pelvic pain, and pelvic organ prolapse. Some women may experience perineal tears or episiotomies during delivery, further contributing to pain and discomfort.


These therapists perform assessments to evaluate the strength, flexibility, and coordination of the pelvic floor muscles. This helps to identify any dysfunctions and allows them to create personalized treatment plans. Through exercises and techniques, pelvic floor physical therapy can help mothers regain strength in their pelvic floor muscles. Strengthening these muscles not only improves bladder and bowel control but also provides support to the pelvic organs.


For women who experienced perineal tears or episiotomies during childbirth, pelvic floor physical therapy can help in the healing process. Therapists may use manual techniques to promote tissue healing and reduce scar tissue formation.


Urinary incontinence is a common postpartum concern. Pelvic floor physical therapy offers effective strategies to manage and resolve this issue. Therapists may incorporate bladder training, pelvic floor exercises, and lifestyle changes to regain control over bladder function.


Postpartum pelvic pain can be caused by muscle tension, joint misalignment, or from childbirth. Pelvic floor physical therapy uses techniques to alleviate pelvic pain, such as relaxation exercises, joint mobilization, and myofascial release.


As new mothers restart exercise activities, pelvic floor physical therapy can provide guidance on safe exercises. This ensures that the pelvic floor and core muscles are supported enough during physical activity. Pelvic floor physical therapy is very important, helping women in their journey to recovery and adjustment after childbirth. 


If you have recently given birth or are planning to, consider incorporating pelvic floor physical therapy into your postpartum care plan to ensure a smoother and better transition into motherhood. 

Image by Annie Spratt

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Dr. Bhavti Soni

About Dr. Bhavti Soni 

Founder & CEO, Pelvic Health Specialist

Dr. Soni is a pelvic health expert and has been practicing pelvic physical therapy since 12 years and has been a PT since 15 years. She has extensive education in pelvic health and has been  part of expert panels, global conferences and pelvic health courses where she teaches other Pelvic PTs.  She worked in New York City with leading pelvic pain specialists for 4 years before moving to NJ in 2018 to raise a family and started her own premier Pelvic PT practice. She lives with her husband and 3 year old son.

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